A Node Operator's blog

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A Node Operator's journey in POS blockchains.

This webpage is meant to provide examples of (master)nodes installation methods.

Most are called "masternodes", but other names exist like SmartCash's "smartnodes", ZenCash's "securenodes" (or "supernodes" for the bigger tier), or Ohmcoin (Ωhmcoin) "karmanodes".

These coins generally have their own installation scripts and guides. However, these are not always easy to use for everybody, or are sometimes written by people with more experience in software developpement than in system administration. This eventually leads to systems installed with poor security concerns, most often error being made is installing as root ... This is a major security breach for a decent server, and should NOT be done this way. Another common mistake is to publish unoptimized binaries (unstriped), wich would consume unecessary RAM on the VPS.

A lot of work has yet to be done to make this page usefull. As i have been pretty busy lately, and am starting a new job position this week, i may not spend a lot of time on this work these next couple of days ... but it is just a matter of time till i come back here and write the promised installation scripts and tutorials. Patience is the key ;-)

Over time, i'll improve this documentation, and try to give more in depth explanation of how and why some things are done one way or another.

Have fun with crypto ! tof